[ELECTRIC YOUTH] a performance, 2011
[This is a peroformance designed for only one spectator at time, as if to underline a need for an anti-monumental, intimate, completely non-spectacular event. Every five minutes the doors of area hosting the event are opened to accomodate a spectator and then closed behind him. What happens in the space is secret. “ELECRTIC YOUTH” is a sperimental form of project comunity that envolves new performers and audience each time, giving them the opportunity to change the drama and the look of the performance.]
[invention Alessandro Sciarroni / with the participation of Aurora Alma Baltimoro, Aricia Ciarrocchi, Constantine Gervasi, Katiuscia Mariani, Alen Marin, Luana Milani, Matteo Ramponi, Andrea Speca, Emilio Speca, Valentina Urriani]
[production Provincia di Ascoli Piceno, Comune di Grottammare, corpoceleste C.C.00#, ri-produced in 2011 by Teatro Stabile delle Marche]